Not every hearer will be baptized, even though they feel the spirit

Not every hearer will be baptized, even though they feel the spirit

At the same time you have the opportunity to bring others along the conversion path smack in the middle of your own conversion

Not every teacher will become converted. But here is what I do know, if you are absolutely obedient to the mission rules, YOU will become converted, and at that point you have accomplished what should be the greatest result of your missionary service. That is why mission success CAN ONLY HAVE ONE GUAGE, YOUR PERSONAL CONVERSION. This only comes from one attitude, that of absolute obedience. Baptisms happen or don’t happen. Teaching opportunities can happen or don’t happen. The blessings of the converted missionary last far beyond the mission experience.

Learn this critical principle, all you need to do for 2 years is make sure that nothing but the truth comes out of your mouth to every single person you can possibly speak to (in golfing terms, just swing). Leave the conversion part to the spirit, but your own conversion comes from that type of focus, baptisms or not. That is the answer to what in my mind (and experience) constitutes a successful mission. Ricciardi did not let the statistics keep him from Ontmoet gescheiden vrouwen becoming a powerful missionary. But his effectiveness came from his own conversion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the mission field. You will find that 80% of the missionaries do 20% of the work, and 20% of the missionaries do 80% of the work.

Ricciardi would say “All you have to do is open your mouth Elder Humphrey, that’s all”

It is unfortunate but true. That is why the greatest conversion that should take place in the mission field is your own! That is what is so incredible about missionary work, the closer you bring others to Christ, the closer you get to Christ yourself. I am not just talking about when you teach investigators and less actives, the missionary work you will do to help your companions come closer to Christ, and they for you, is a powerful work in and of itself, let alone the work to those who do not have the gospel. Ricciardi and I would challenge each other that once we walked out the apartment door we would not let one person walk by without telling them who we are.

I remember many mornings where we never left our street because there were so many people to stop. Ricciardi t we stopped whatever we were doing and would never schedule appointments at that time of day. Why? Because we would go to the local elementary schools and greet parents as they were picking up their school children. In England, parents walk to school to pick up their kids. We would find a few families and walk them home as we discussed who we were and what we taught.

Make Time for Members Ricciardi must sound incredibly perfect to you. He had his weaknesses. He rarely worked with members. His sense of independence to a certain degree was a weakness (stubborn plus Italian is quite the combination). Ultimately, the members of the church are the best way to bring people into the gospel as I am sure you already know. Truthfully, a lot of members were intimidated by Ricciardi’s brash personality. Ricciardi always felt guilty when we were at member homes because cultivating member relations takes time, and he always felt like time was too precious. Hence, he saw member missionary work for the most part as a waste of precious time. Nevertheless it is extremely difficult to be a good missionary without getting the members involved. Take the time to do that.