Best Fair Credit Cards: The Top 3 Cards for Average Credit

Best Fair Credit Cards: The Top 3 Cards for Average Credit

You may want to look at your financial situation. This coming year is the perfect time to improve your credit score and build your credit reputation. If you have average credit, you want to find one of the best credit cards for fair creditpare the best fair credit cards to find the best card for average credit.

This can be an overwhelming process as there are dozens of credit cards for people with average credit. The goal is to make sure you’re getting a good example of credit cards for fair credit. This will help you improve your credit, especially if it fits into your lifestyle. We’ve picked the top three best fair credit cards. We’ll tell you exactly why you should consider one of them going forward.

Capital One Platinum MasterCard

Right off the top, the Capital One® Platinum Credit Card is the best credit card for average credit. This card comes with several huge perks cardholders can enjoy all year long. The first perk is that this card is an excellent credit-building tool. The lender will approve people with average credit or almost no credit history. If you’ve had rejections for credit cards in the past, try this card.

This card is also very light on the fees it charges to its cardholders. There is no annual fee with this card, so you can use it as little or as much as you want. You’ll never have to worry about offsetting the annual fee with rewards or use. If you travel, you won’t have any foreign transactions fees. This means your money is yours to keep, and you can use your card through non-American banks. If you have to do balance transfers, this card is perfect as there are no balance transfer fees.

As far as cards for fair credit go, this one has an extremely short building period. Some cardholders are eligible for a credit increase after just 5 months. Make your first five payments on time and see if the lender will raise your limit. This isn’t a guarantee, but it’s a great incentive to show responsible use.

Monitoring your credit as you’re building is essential to good financial health. This card makes it easy as it gives cardholders access to CreditWise. CreditWise is free credit monitoring, and it tracks your debt, inquires, open accounts, and closed accounts. It can also show you how closing an account may affect your credit score. Cardholders also enjoy excellent customer service and a sleek iOS app.

Indigo Platinum MasterCard

Next on our list of the best fair credit cards is the Indigo® Platinum Mastercard®. This card comes with a pre-qualification offer so you can get your card and start building your credit quicker. If you have bad credit or no credit, consider this as one of the best fair credit cards available. It’s also an excellent choice if you’ve ever filed for bankruptcy.

Your credit use and history are all sent to the credit bureaus. With responsible use, this helps to build your credit. If you travel, this card has a lower foreign transaction fee of 1% instead of the normal 3%. This card is also on the MasterCard network, so it is widely accepted.

If you have slightly better credit, you could get a $0 annual fee. This card comes with annual fees of $0, $35, $75, or $99. Your annual fee depends on your credit score at the time of your application. This is another incentive to build a strong credit history and score.

Milestone Gold MasterCard

The final card on our list of the best fair credit cards is the Milestone® Gold MasterCard®. This card has an annual fee that ranges from $35 to $99, and it goes by your credit score. This card does have a higher APR as well, but this is the price you pay to build your credit.

As with all of the best fair credit cards, this card reports monthly. This allows the credit bureaus to see you’re using the card responsibly. This is a key piece to building a solid credit history and raising your FICO credit score. Cardholders also get access to the MasterCard Gold Benefits program with this card. Finally, you could see your credit line increase after 5 or 6 months of responsible use.

New Fair Credit Card Offer: A fairly new credit card for fair credit is the Blaze MasterCard. Check out to see how the Blaze credit card compares to our top three picks for fair credit. Read about the benefits and drawbacks of this fair credit card.

Bottom Line on the Best Fair Credit Cards for Average Credit

Its time to start thinking about building your credit. Our list of the top three best fair credit cards gives you options to think about. If you have no credit or bad credit consider from Credit Fast these top three best secured credit cards.

You don’t want to wait when it comes to your credit. Additionally, it is very important to make your credit card selection carefully. You want to get the best card that suits your lifestyle. This will help you get the most out of your card, and build your credit quickly.